Why are people on the internet so mean?

Dani Erinn
5 min readApr 23, 2024

I have recently been struggling with witnessing other people’s comment sections. I often find myself watching harmless videos and then going to the comment secure out of curiosity, only to find how brutal and vicious some of the comments are for no reason.

But is it for no reason? This got me thinking about why people can be so mean online and what we can do about it.

Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

If you are like me, then having hate or mean comments on your posts or just seeing these things gets to you. These comments didn’t initially bother me, at times I found them funny, but after awhile it became too much.

Medium is no exception to this. While I have gotten mostly positive feedback from other writers, there is always that one person who wants to ruin your day.

Why are people this way?

People’s behavior on the internet can be influenced by several factors. The anonymity provided by online platforms can make some individuals feel less accountable for their actions, leading to disinhibition and a willingness to express themselves in ways they might not in face-to-face interactions. Additionally, the absence of non-verbal cues like tone of voice and body language can make it easier for misunderstandings to occur and for individuals to misinterpret others’ intentions, potentially leading…



Dani Erinn

I love writing true crime and fascinating stories about humans.